
Hi. I’m Dr. Ryan Johnson and we’re here at my office Integrated Chiropractic in Sarasota, Florida. Today we’re going to be going over the decompression treatment and what we’re going to be looking at is to help patients with lumbar disc herniations and bulges. So when we do have a herniated disc or a bulging disc in a lumbar spine, this is a model of what it looks like. When that disc herniates, it puts pressure and squeezes this nerve and that’s going to cause that shooting, radiating pain down in the buttocks, down at the leg, even sometimes all the way down to the foot. So what we’re going to do is strap you under this table and what’s going to happen, we’re going to help decompress and stretch the spine this way to allow that disc to take pressure off of the nerve. When you do that, you will feel some warmth, maybe a little comfort, a little more mobility. Each session, we hope to get a little more pressure off of that nerve and allow you to have more function and less pain. OK. Now that we have Brenda strapped into the lumbar decompression, I wanted to show you guys how we can target the individual discs. So right now the table is in the lowest position. That’s going to be great for patients with the L5-S1. That’s going to be your lowest disc. That’s going to be the one that most likely causes the sciatic pain down the back of the leg. If we change the angle of the table, we can change the angle of the pull and the higher up we go, the higher up in the disc we’re going to target. So now this would be a patient with the L4-L5 disc. We can come up, L3-L4 and we can even go all the way up to L1-L2. So the more even we have her with the table, the higher up in the lumbar spine. So we can target the individual disc based on your need. So a lot of times we will see that through the MRI and we can see specifically what side, the grade, how severe the disc is and what level.

Integrated Chiropractic

PHONE: 941-541-1096

ADDRESS: 2206 Jo-An Drive, STE 1 Sarasota, FL 34231