
Hi, I’m Dr. Ryan Johnson from Integrated Chiropractic. And today, I’m going to be answering the question, “Can neck pain cause headaches?” We have different types of classes of headaches. One of the most common kind is called a Cervicogenic headache, and that’s going to be from the joints in the neck causing neck pain. It could also be from the muscles in the neck, but basically referring neck pain up to the head is one of the most common causes of headaches. Another common type of headache many people experience are Tension type headaches. Those can be brought on by stress or dehydration. And then another very common class of headaches are Migraines. A lot of migraine sufferers usually have triggers. It could be certain drinks, like alcohol, wine. It could be food, such as meat or cheeses. But sometimes, they have a trigger and that can set off a cascade of events. And a lot of times, people have a classic migraine where they’ll have maybe some sensitivity to lights or sounds, and maybe even a blind spot. So that’s going to be more of a classic migraine. A common migraine, people get those without kind of any warning they kind of come on. And so those are going to be usually the most type of headaches we see clinically. There are several other severe headaches, there’s Cluster headaches, or we can call Thunderclap headaches. There can also be Trigeminal neuralgia, which is extreme face pain as well. So again, it’s important to come in and schedule an exam so we can see, you know, what is the cause of your headaches. So if you have any more questions about headaches, please give us our office a call at 941-487-0266.