

Why You Need Routine Adjustments

A chiropractic adjustment (or spinal manipulation) is a procedure performed by a licensed chiropractor. They use their hands, small instruments, or both to apply a controlled, sudden force to the vertebrae that are not functioning correctly. This adjustment process is done to correct your spine’s alignment, increase your range of motion, minimize nerve inflammation, and restore overall function.

By |August 29, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

New Technology Promises Revolutionary Pain Relief

Many more Americans are turning to holistic and natural remedies for pain management and healing every day. Piezowave technology is, therefore, the right technology at the right time. This cutting-edge therapy utilizes high-energy sound waves to activate the body’s natural healing ability, reducing pain and minimizing inflammation while encouraging the regeneration of healthy tissues. The new technology represented by Piezowave therapy is safe, non-invasive, and requires no downtime for the patient.

By |August 24, 2023|Categories: Chiropractic and Holistic Care|0 Comments
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